Hi Daniel, thank you for sharing your point of view. So if I understand correctly, you suggest that the optimal evolutionary strategy is about balancing the relative and the absolute odds of survival — correct?
If so, this the point I was trying to make, too. Taking that we have the cooperation and caring instincts “built-in” when comes to our own kin, we can now translate them into the global picture.
Because we need to deal with such big issues as climate change, which threaten our absolute survival as a species, we have to consciously surpass only caring about our kin’s survival. That is not to say that we shouldn’t protect our kids, of course. But it seems to me that with the knowledge we have nowadays, we are able to take our natural instincts of kindness and apply them to the rest of the world.
This, of course, requires adequate education. And that’s what “taking charge of our evolution” means to me.
And it is idealistic, yes, but I think idealism and thinking big is what we need right now, to make the necessary change on a global scale.